MY Learning <3
Q1. How would you have reacted if a friend told you that they were going blind?

A1. I would feel really bad for my friend but i would stick with my friend and help her/him through it.

Q2. If Molly had 'acted' more blind do you think she would have still been bullied?

A2. I think she still would have been bullied because she’s different. Not a lot of teens are blind.

Q3. Should Molly's mom have told the school about the incident in the forest?

A3. Yes, because it would probably resolve the issue about her being bullied for her being blind.

Q4. Why would Molly's "Friends" turn on her and eventually bully her?

A4. They don’t want to deal with being with a blind person and they probably think it's “uncool” to hang with a blind person.

Q5. Do you think Molly would have become a motivational speaker if she hadn’t been bullied?

A5. No, because Molly was a motivational speaker being of her being bullied and how she got through it.

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